Discovering The Messages Through The Character And Plot In Yann Martel’s Novel Life Of Pi

DISCOVERING THE MESSAGES THROUGH THE CHARACTER AND PLOT IN YANN MARTEL’S NOVEL LIFE OF PI Subiyanto,S.Pd.,M.M  Abstract This research aims to find the messages through the main character in Yann Martel’s Novel Life of PI and the plot development using a Formalism approach approach. To gain a deeper understanding of the results, the writer formulates…

The Analysis of Lord Voldemort’s Character in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

The Analysis of Lord Voldemort’s Character in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Radik Darmawan,S.S.,M.Pd Abstract This research is aimed to find the character type of Lord Voldemort as described in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince and the most dominant character of Lord Voldemort using a formalistic and…

Mari Menulis Penelitian

Selamat Datang… Yuk budayakan menulis.. Memindahkan tacid Anda ke Explicit Knowledge. Menulis bukan sekedar menggoreskan tinta pada kertas pun juga memindahkan keypad ke monitor, tetapi yang akan dilihat kedepannya adalah manfaat dari menulis. Penting kita ketahui kebiasaan menulis suatu bangsa akan mempengaruhi kemajuan bangsa pula, banyaknya negara maju yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya sudah sadar betapa…

An Analysis of a Main Character’s Motivation in Nicholas Sparks’ Novel Entitled “A Walk To Remember”

An Analysis of a Main Character’s Motivation in Nicholas Sparks’ Novel Entitled “A Walk To Remember” Zaenal Abidin,S.S.,M.Pd STBA Technocrat Tangerang Abstract The research and analysis are to understand the main character’s motivation in A Walk To Remember novel. In order to understand the main character in the novel, the writer tries to formulate these…

The Analysis of Personality Traits of George in Enid Blyton’sThe Famous Five: Five Go to Billycock Hill

The Analysis of Personality Traits of George in Enid Blyton’sThe Famous Five: Five Go to Billycock Hill Santosa,S.S.,M.Pd STBA Technocrat Tangerang   Abstract The research aims to comprehend the character type and personality traits of George in Enid Blyton’s The Famous Five: Five Go to Billycock Hill. In analyzing the character of George, the writer…