Discovering The Messages Through The Character And Plot In Yann Martel’s Novel Life Of Pi




This research aims to find the messages through the main character in Yann Martel’s Novel Life of PI and the plot development using a Formalism approach approach. To gain a deeper understanding of the results, the writer formulates the problem by making the following questions: (1) How is the plot developed in the story? (2) What are the messages that the character want to convey to the reader?. In the process of study and analysis of the main characters in Yann Martel’s Novel Life of PI, the writer uses a psychological approach to analyze, examine and understand some of the messages of the main character in a novel. The writer also conducts library research in completing this analysis. The theory of Abrams used in analyzing the plot and of Michele Peers theory’s used to analyze the messages from the character until finally reveals the messages. The messages are 1. Make us belief in God 2. Religion is not a tradition but religion is faith 3. We have to defeat our fear or it will kill us 4. Do not be easy give up and must be able to adapt in any situation. The authors found some interesting things from the character


As we know plot and character are the important part s in novel. Because plot is a series connected events moving through form beginning until the end of that novel. And character is the first part of novel which is important. Because character is a player to play in that story and mix up with the conflict, plot and the other part. Moreover, from that character has message want to convey from the author to the reader, Yann Martel is a very interesting person. In the Life of pi novel he also brings his experience. The novel has moral value which can convey the message for the reader. The point is Yann Martel invite s the reader to do something that advantage for the other people. In the novel Life of Pi describes Piscine Molitor Patel or Pi, the India n person who has unique character that is someone who believes in several religions. Besides that his belief in God when he stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and how he can survive until six month s , is telling from his hopeless and sad ness because he has lost his family a nd Pi was the only human survive , and during the 227 days, he shared his lifeboat with adult Bengal tiger. He was sixteen years old then.

Theoretical Review

Formalism approach is used to conduct this study. Formalism approach is an approach of literary that teaches or discusses to analyze a literary work by focusing on the internal element of literary work. Related to the topic of this study, the formalism approach contributes to answer the question in problem formulation. According to Terry Eagleton (2008: 3) in her book Literary Theory an Introduction; The Formalists started out by seeing the literary work as a more or less.

arbitrary assemblage of ‘devices ‘, and only later came to see these devices as interrelated elements or ‘functions’ within a total textual system. ‘Devices’ included sound, imagery, rhythm, syntax, metre , rhyme, narrative techniques, in fact the whole stock of formal literary elements; and what all of these elements had in common was their ‘estranging’ or ‘ defamiliaring ‘ effect.

Based on the quotation above when we apply formalistic approach, we analyze a literary work and look for elements that contribute to the unique quality of the work, such as “structure, shape, interplay, interrelationship, denotations and connotations, contexts, images, symbols, repeated details, climax, denouement, balance, and tensions, rhythms, and rhymes. That explanation is also support ed by Abrams statement that formalism approach emphasize the form of a literary work to determine its meaning, focus on the formal patterns and technical devices of literature to the exclusion of its subject matter and social values. (1999: 102-103). It c an be concluded from the two statements above that formalistic approach focus es on analysis on the intrinsic elements of the work itself. The writer considers this approach suitable to be used in the analysis. Because the writer will discover the message conveyed by the character and the plot analysis and will combine them with theory of plot, character and message.

We know Plot is an important part of a novel and has many different purposes . Because plot is a series connected events moving through form beginning until the end of that novel. Plot is literary term used describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. The plot also called as foundation of novel or story to character and settings are built around. According to Clean the Brook and Robert Penn “plot , as a narrative of events arranged in their time-sequence. A plot is also narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality, constituted by its events and actions, as these are rendered and ordered toward achieving particular artistic and emotional effects  (1927 : 61 ).”

According to the quotation above that plot is some related happenings which is tied in causal connected between events into a certain organization in a story. Plot is presents chronological events and contains the causality of events. The five elements shown by plot are Exposition. This is known as the beginning of the story where the character and setting are established. And also the conflicts begin as well. The next is Rising action . Usually this consist by the main character established and with same time the rising action of plot occurs. When the even begin can make the story is complicated and the reader also begin interest and curious about that story. The third is Climax. The climax is the turning point of a story, novel or script. It is the moment where it seems like the main character is in danger or could even possibly fail at resolving the conflict. Depending on the kind of conflict being faced (man vs man, man vs self, etc). the actions at this point in the work can be either Physical or mental. The fourth is Falling action. This is the situation when the character tries to resolve the problem when the even so complications. And the result actions of the main character are put forward. The last one is Resolution. When the story is come to the end with happy ending or tragic ending. The end of the story, novel or script includes the last plot element (the resolution). It is here that loose ends are tied up, conflict are concluded, outcomes are revealed and a happy or sad takes places.      

The theory of messages is needed to assess how the values or messages are conveyed acted or described by the main character. Message is the description of the story. Message is the purpose that the author wants to convey to the reader. One of the benefits of reading novel is that we can learn something from the novel, because reading novel is not only for entertaining but also for learning. And the reader can learn from the messages by which the write r conveys i n that story. The author will convey the message to the reader b y the character or plot, this can be see n if the message is received by the reader. After the reader s read the story they think may positively or negatively, but the message sent by the author should be positive.

Message in short story, as in any piece of literature, is the author’s statement or counter statement of his/her beliefs. The message may be, but does not have to be, profound/unexpected/or something you believe. In the other words, message is the main essence that can cover the whole idea of the work of art, in this case, a literary work. The reader will find the message with two way s : directly and indirectly, direct way if the author direct ly comment about the message of that story but indirect way if the reader know the message by comprehending of that story with the character, plot, conflict, experience, reading ability or by their background. According to Michele Peers Message is the right thing, which is intended to be conveyed to the reader.


As indicated in the background, this study attempts to do the following:

  1. How is the plot developed in the story?
  2. What are the messages that the character want to convey to the reader?.


To support the analysis, the writer uses qualitative method . The qualitative methods mean s a systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. Qualitative research is a new method, Because of its popularity recently and called methods postpositive because based on the philosophy postpositive often called naturalistic research . That statement is support ed by C.R. Kothori in book Research Methodology: “ Qualitative research is specially important in the behavioural sciences where the aim is to discover the underlying motives of human behavior. (2004: 3) Based on that quotation above qualitative methods is suitable for the writer to find out the data support the theories that will be used as the basic to analysis. And the techniques are libr ary research that is by visiting the libraries, books store, and then reading them, comprehending and identifying by observation , and also searching the internet

Findings and Discussion

The story began from part one, part one consist s of 36 chapters (from chapter one until chapter 36). Part one is narrated in the first person by Pi. The exposition comes up when Pi narrates from an advanced age, looking back at his earlier life as a high school and college student in Toronto, then even further back to his boyhood in Pondicherry.

  1. The Plot development in the story.
  2. The Beginning

“My suffering left me sad and gloomy. Academic study and the steady, mindful practice of religion slowly brought me back to life.” (p.3) After the tragedy in the ocean, Pi continues his life by continuing his study in high school and University. I was a very good student, if I may say so myself. I was tops at St. Michael’s College four years in a row. (p.6) But sometimes he always miss es India, Pondicherry (his town). But what for h e’s back there because there is nothing to go home. I love Canada. I miss the heat of India, the food, the house lizards on the walls, the musicals on the silver screen, the cows wandering, the streets, the crows cawing, even the talk of cricket matches, but I love Canada. (p.7) Although India is the fondest memories for Pi but Canada is a happy future. He explains that he has suffered intensely and found solace in religion and zoology.

He describes how Francis Adirubasamy , a close business associate of his father’s and a competitive swimming champion, taught him to swim and bestowed upon him his unusual name. I was named after a swimming pool (p. 9), Francis Adirubasamy or Mamaji – Pi used to Mamaji to call him. Mamaji like very much Piscine Molitor swimming pool because when he was at competitive swimming champion so many good memories at there. But no Swimming pool in Mamaji’s eyes matched the glory of the Piscine Molitor. It was the crowing aquatic glory of Paris, indeed, of the entire civilized world (p. 14). Pi is named after the Piscine Molitor, a Parisian swimming club with two pools that Adirubasamy used to frequent. We learn that Pi’s father once r an the Pondicherry Zoo, taught Pi and his brother, Ravi, about the dangerous nature of animals by feeding a live goat to a tiger before their young eyes. Pi, brought up as a Hindu, discovers Christianity, then Islam, choosing to practice all three religions at the same time .

  1. The Middle

“The ship sank. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp. Things bubbled at the surface and then vanished. Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart”. (p.121) The narrative jumps back in time as Pi describes the explosive noise and chaos of the sinking: crewmembers throw him into a lifeboat, where he soon finds himself alone with a zebra, an orangutan, and a hyena, all seemingly y in shock. His family is gone. “And what of my extended family-birds, beasts and reptiles? They too have drowned. Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed. And I am allowed no explanation? I am to suffer hell without any account from heaven? (p. 122).


The quotation above shows us how Pi’s feeling, his very sad, alone, his body was not injured but he felt pain, heart pain like all torn up. The plot develops after the ship sank. Pi finally realizes he is alone now and stranded in the middle of the ocean and doesn’t know what to do. Pi clings to a lifeboat and encourages a tiger, Richard Parker, to join him. Then, he realizes his mistake in bringing a wild animal aboard, Pi leaps into the ocean. The storm subsides and Pi contemplates his difficult situation. The hyena kills the zebra and the orangutan, and then—to Pi’s intense surprise—Richard Parker reveals himself:

“How I had failed to notice for two and a half days a 450-pound Bengal tiger in a lifeboat twenty-six feet long was a conundrum I would have to try to crack later, when I had more energy. The feat surely made Richard parker the largest stowaway, proportionally speaking, in the history of navigation. From tip of nose to tip of fail he took up over a third of the length of the ship he was on”. (p.169)

The tiger has been in the bottom of the lifeboat all along. Soon the tiger kills the hyena, and Pi and Richard Parker are together at sea. Pi subsists on canned water and filtered seawater, emergency rations, and freshly caught sea life. He also provides for the tiger . It’s the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story. (p. 207). Pi begi n s to realize about the existence of Richard Parker is very important because of Richard Parker, Pi does not feel if he is alone and feels in despair because despair is the greatest enemy of Tiger. Pi thank s to Richard Parker, Pi has an idea to tame and control Richard Parker by using a whistle that his find in life jacket . Pi getting is getting used to Richard Parker, sharing a meal with him and of course Richard Parke r gets more parts, whether it is water or meat from fish, although sometimes Pi still afraid of Richard Parker. The days pass slowly and the lifeboat’s passengers coexist warily. During a bout of temporary blindness brought on by dehydration, Pi has a run- in with another blind castaway. The two share food and share their boats to one another. When the blind man attacks Pi, intending to eat him, Richard Parker kills him.

  1. The End

Mr. Patel, we don’t believe your story.”

“Sorry-these cookies are good but they tend to crumble. I’m amazed. Why not? It doesn’t hold up. (p. 368).

When both the Japanese people don’t believe the st ory. Pi uses a variety of ways to prove his story. Finally came idea to change the story by replace the animals with humans. But the second stories are cannibalism. The story comes to its climax when a plot is the major turning point that allows the protagonist to resolve the conflict. The climax of story is in part three in this book because before the readers already know if Pi can survive on the middle of ocean because Pi itself that narrator of this story . So one of the drama at sea is truly climactic. The climax of this story comes when Pi reluctantly offer s a second story that is without animals and a belief in giving advice to choose which one is the better story.

“I guess so” “In both stories the ship sinks, my entire family dies, and suffer.” “So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?” Mr. Okamoto: “that’s an interesting question… Mr. Chiba: “The story with animals.” Mr. Okamoto: “yes. The story with animals is the better story.” Pi Patel: “Thank you. And so it goes with God.” (p. 398 – 399).

The officials note that the two stories match and that the second is far likelier. In their final report, they commend Pi for living so long with an adult tiger. The outcome, resolution, or denouement of this is that both men admit the first story is better. This reaffirms Pi’s own beliefs (even though the men may or may not really believe the story).

Mr. Okamoto chooses to include the first story in his official report. However, the ultimate outcome is left to the reader because which story is actually true is never definitely recognized.

  1. The Message of the Story
  2. Make us believe in God

At first the reader may think the story is about believing in a religion but it is not. It is not about holding on to the particulars, but about having faith in something beyond what is seen. It is story about Life of Pi which extraordinary and miraculous. But At the end of the book the reader may choose to believe or not.

“I have a story that will make you believe in God.” ( p.ix )

Based on  that quotation above, it will make the reader to be interested in reading the story.

  1. Religion is not a tradition but religion is faith

Pi is describing the sights, sounds, and smells of Hinduism. He goes on to explain the fundamentals of that religion. He sees the world from a Hindu perspective, but is cautions against fundamentalism. This points out again that it is not about the particulars o f the religion, but about faith.

“But   religion   is   more   than   rite   and   ritual.   There   is   what   the   rite   and   ritual   stand   for”. (p.60 ).

Pi has more than one religion that is believed, there are Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Pi thinks Christian is a religion of mercy and makes touched by God who willingly bear s the humiliation of people who do not believe Him. Whereas Islam is a religion of piece and simplicity, Islam is a beautiful religion of brotherhood and devotion. Although God is intangible but there is a belief in my heart that God is there. It is the way Pi looked at religion, religion is a belief, even in a state that is cornered or feels death will come, only the name of the God of the three religions which he calls.

“Jesus, Ma ry, Muhammad and Vishnu!” ( p.121 and 189 )

  1. We have to defeat our fear or it will kill us

Pi noticed the fights between the hyena and orang utan , orang utan eventually can be defeated by hyena and then eat it. Now there lived only Pi, a Hyena and Richard parker is a Bengal tiger. Pi may think he’s going to die, killed by wild animals in lifeboat, that feeling haunted him for three days. With the thought of Pi felt that there was no hope for him, but at the sight of Hyena and Tiger fight that’s for s ure Richard parker win. The fear was gone. As there is ac hope and passion in the minds of Pi. Pi dispose mind turns his fear and given the thirsty and hungry, with no thought to feeling of thirst and hunger can defeat fear.

“I have heard that the hunger for air exceeds as a compelling sensation the thirst for water. Only for a few minutes, I say. After a few minutes you die and the discomfort of asphyxiation goes away. Whereas thirst is a drawn-out affair. Look: chirst on the Cross died of suffocation, but his only complaint was of thirst. If thirst be so taxing that even God Incarnate complains about it, imagine the effect on regular human. It was enough to make me go raving mad. I have never known a worse physical mouth, this unbearable pressure at the back of the throat, this sensation that my blood was turning to a thick syrup that barely flowed. Truly, by comparison, a tiger was nothing. (p.170).

In any case Richards parker, Pi start thinking about how to eliminate hunger and thirst, he began to examine the contents of the lifeboat and found one of the objects water and food. Pi felt his back and was excited that the was able to get through this with 62 liters ors 124 cans of water and 15,5 kg or 31 boxes of food.

  1. Do not be easy to give up and must be able to adapt in any situation.

In the last message Pi want to convey positive attitude. Pi was able to keep struggling and did not easily give up despite the desperate condition he faced. Pi conducts any way to survive.

“ still others-and I am one of those-never give up. We fight and fight and fight. We fight no matter the cost of battle, the losses we take, take improbability of success. We fight to the very end. “(p.186 )

Pi, managed to stay alive only because he did not give up easily. If he gave up the first time he encountered suffering or despair, either physically for example refusing to eat, catch fish, just sitting on the lifeboat passively or even jumping into the sea, of course he would not stay alive long enough. Only after resolving to live, he could take the next steps, such as planning his strategies.


The result of this writing is to know the plot development described as well as the messages conveyed by the main character of Yann Martel’s Novel Life Of Pi.

After passing step by step, comprehending relate theory, and preparing required technique, as the final point the writer analysed the character using the objective approach and reveals some messages and plot development in the novel. The outcome, resolution, or denouement of this is that both men admit the first story is better. This reaffirms Pi’s own beliefs (even though the men may or may not really believe the story). Mr. Okamoto chooses to include the first story in his official report. However, the ultimate outcome is left to the reader s because which story is actually true is never firmly established .

After Reading this story, Life of Pi, the writer get some messages through the character and plot of the story. There are four messages found in this analysis. First, We have to defeat our fear or it will kill us . Pi explaining the danger of fear, Fear can cause the loss of belief and the loss of reason. Second, make us believe that God exist . With this statement in th e opening book, Pi indirectly invite s us to believe that God exist and is everywhere and will always accompany us. The third, Religion is not a tradition but religion is a faith its mean that religion is not a tradition that we do from a child but religion is a belief that we trust. And the last message is do n ot be easy to give up and must be able to adapt in any situation . If we easily give up when encountered problems, we will never be able to achieve our objective .


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